Reading:A free setup for content upgrades

A free setup for content upgrades

I love lead magnets and content upgrades. The idea that a reader could download a special content (a spreadsheet, an ebook, a pdf version of a post, …) in exchange of her email is really appealing. No need to beg with a pop up or with an interstitial.

In this post, I’ll share with you the (simple) framework I am using on WordPress to gate content (ask for an email in exchange of a special content). What’s unique with this framework is that all tools/plugins are free! That’s surprising, but it’s very difficult to find a free solution to do that on WordPress. Usually you will either need a Premium plugin or a paid subscription to an email service.

I’m not going to explain why it’s great to have content upgrades on your site. I have decided to write a quick and actionable post: I am really annoyed when I read 3000+ words articles that ultimately provide me only 2 or 3 valuable info.