Reading:YOOtheme Zoo – Integration of Google +1

YOOtheme Zoo – Integration of Google +1

zoo joomla moduleI wanted to add a google +1 button to my website. As I am using YOOtheme zoo CCK component, I add to create a new “element” to be print at the end of my blog post. You can download it bellow. Of course you can use it on any zoo applications (blogs, businesses, recipes … and custom applications).

How to install

Download the archive : ZOOelement Googleplus

Then, unzip the files in your folder : /base_installation_folder/media/zoo/elements. You will see a new folder named “googleplus”.

How to setup

You can configure all the options except the language. To change the language, you’ll need to do it by yourself and modify your global template.

To add the google +1 button to a content, go to your zoo configuration panel, and select the application where you want this button to appear. Modify the elements appearing in this type of applications, and add the “Google +1″. The configuration is pretty transparent.


In the case you are using this button without printing the number of +1s, I took the privilege of adding a small modification to the code, to promote my websites. One out of 10 buttons will actually be +1ing one of my websites. If you want to remove it, it’s up to you, but you could also considering it as a small reward for the time I spent on it for you.


Don’t hesitate to post comment for precisions or bug corrections.