Implementing microdata in Yootheme ZOO

Recently, the three major search engins (Bing/Yahoo and Google) agreed on using the microdata system This allow any website to provide semantic information to the search spiders. For instance, you can specify what kind of content you are publishing, like a recipe of an apple pie, or a movie review. More than that, depending on the type, you can give the various important information directly to the search robot : what is the movie title, what is its director, or how long you should cook your pie. »

YOOtheme Zoo – Integration of Google +1

I wanted to add a google +1 button to my website. As I am using YOOtheme zoo CCK component, I add to create a new “element” to be print at the end of my blog post. You can download it bellow. Of course you can use it on any zoo applications (blogs, businesses, recipes … and custom applications). How to install Download the archive : ZOOelement Googleplus Then, unzip the files in your folder : /base_installation_folder/media/zoo/elements. »

Yootheme Zoo – Modifying the Frontend submission editor

A quick note to let you know how I hacked Yootheme Zoo 2.3. I wanted to have a wysiwyg editor while my users were submitting article in frontend with ZOO. Usually you can activate the “trusted mode” to have this wysiwyg editor. But you will also have several other fields which are too much for normal users. In order to have a wysiwyg editor, even in the non-trusted mode, here is the modification you should implement. »

Author image Jean-Christophe Lavocat on #Joomla, #Zoo,

Yootheme Zoo – Modifying the number of articles on Frontpage

A quick note to let you know how I hacked Yootheme Zoo 2.3. I wanted to have a different numbers of articles on the frontpage, and in the classical category view.As I did not find an easy solution (a parameter should be added to the configuration for the front page), I decided to code it. Here is the line you have to change on line 232 in /joomla_base_dir/components/com_zoo/controllers/default.php [cc lang="php"]// get item pagination $items_per_page = $params->get('config. »

Author image Jean-Christophe Lavocat on #Joomla, #Zoo,