Content Marketing Strategy - My framework and spreadsheet to guide your process

In this (long and thorough) blog post, I share in details how to create a content marketing plan for your Inbound Marketing project. You’ll also get access to a very useful spreadsheet that will help you to focus your efforts and share tasks with your team (copywriters, graphic designers, SEO, social media managers). »

A free setup for content upgrades

I love lead magnets and content upgrades. The idea that a reader could download a special content (a spreadsheet, an ebook, a pdf version of a post, …) in exchange of her email is really appealing. No need to beg with a pop up or with an interstitial. In this post, I’ll share with you the (simple) framework I am using on WordPress to gate content (ask for an email in exchange of a special content). »

Social Media Tools to automate Content Distribution

When you create content, one of the most trivial task is to share it on social networks. I bet that this is one of the first thing you do after you hit publish. However, as social networks became mainstream, the attention span has plummeted there. To make things worst, if you’re posting on Twitter, your tweet has a very short lifetime ; if you’re posting on Facebook or LinkedIn, the filtering algorithm would only deliver your post to less than 10% of your audience. »

Automated Content Distribution : A 30-day use case

In this article, we’ll describe an experiment we ran during the Summer : we used Repost, our content distribution tool, to automate the social distribution of my wife’s Blog. It’s a early case-study of a strategy that lead to nearly 5K visitors over a month, without doing anything. Half of her traffic came from the tool during the Summer ! The post is split in 2 sections : Description of the initial experiment by Tami Brehse Our Experiment and Results When you get hooked by a Inbound. »

7 rules to follow before sending traffic to a new landing page

We have prepared a landing page to validate the value proposition from Repost among social media professionals. Our next step is to send some traffic on the page. However, before that, we listed few things to bear in mind before putting some money into advertisement. Be sure to check them all. I have been a great proponent of landing pages to validate business ideas and key concepts. I got really convinced about their potential after reading Will Mitchell’s post 3 steps to validate your business ideas for free. »

How to track time when working on content marketing?

Content Marketing is known for being really accessible (everyone can do it, registering a domain name for a self hosted wordpress blog is cheap) and can be quite effective if you do it properly, with a purpose and with associated metrics. However, content marketing faces one big issue : it takes a lot of time. In this post, we’ll try to address the following question : How can a writer track time when working on a blog ? »