How to use the Scattered formalism using Comsol Multiphysics

After my last post about ‘getting the scattered far field using ComsolRF module ‘ a bunch of problems appeared. Actually, the definition of the incident field, using a line of current is wrong. It prevent the PML to work nicely, and thus, the overall field (and of course the scattered field) will be wrong. To correct this behaviour, one should first start a problem by using the Scattered Formalism Equation Resolution. »

How-to get the electromagnetic scattered far field using Comsol RF Module

If you use Comsol Multiphysics – RF Module, you may have noticed that there is a far field option when you edit any Boundary settings. This feature will allow you to compute the scattered far field of an object using some tricks. Initial Setting : Simple simulation using Comsol This tutorial will allow you to compute the scattered field of an ideal magnetic conducting circle in 2D. First, let’s design a square with PML around to absorb the outgoing light. »