Moving from Ghost to HUGO

I started to blog 11 years ago. The first blog system i used, was Dotclear, I moved to Wordpress few years after because of the large plugin and theme ressources available. Wordpress is a really good blog platform, but it updates itslef too often for me. Few months ago, the blog moved to Ghost, a really minimalist blog system, based on nodejs. A KISS aproach to the blog, I falled in love. »

Author image Jean-Christophe Lavocat

Installer WordPress sur Webfaction

J’ai récemment découvert l’hébergeur web Webfaction chez qui je suis en train de déplacer mes sites petit à petit. Je vais sans doute proposer une suite de tutoriels pour vous expliquer en français comment installer tel ou tel CMS sur la plateforme. Il faut savoir que Webfaction est un hébergeur dont le support technique est le plus rapide que je connaisse, mais qu’il souffre pour le moment d’une lacune de taille pour le marché français : la doc et le support est en anglais. »

Web In Provence #1

Je reprends la plume délaissée depuis un certain temps pour vous présenter un évènement auquel je viens d’assister à Marseille. Il s’agit du Web In Provence , un apéro networking dédié aux acteur du web en … Provence. L’idée était d’associer un apéro avec une conférence sur une tendance montante d’internet. Pour cette première édition, les organisateurs (Florent Hernandez et Alexandre Durain) avaient choisi comme thème le “Conception Web et Multi Device” . »

Comment j’ai triché à Samsung Launching People et pourquoi ils ont bien réagi

Toujours en cours actuellement, un concours mis en place par Samsung a récolté une très bonne visibilité sur la blogosphère française : Samsung Launching People. Dans cet article je vous explique comment il était possible de tricher à ce concours et comment Samsung gère la situation d’une manière intelligente. Introduction Dans ma série de posts pour expliquer comment tricher sur le web, j’aimerais aujourd’hui vous parler du concours Samsung Launching People. »

Business Model : A framework for innovation

If you never heard about the 30-days startup challenge that I am taking, then I suggest you to read the following list of articles. Today we will disclose the business model behind WordiZ, the application we are creating. By doing this, I am of course aware of confidential issues, but I have the feeling that people tend to be lazy and stealing ideas take some energy. Since I am also some steps ahead from I will describe here, the concept given is the one I wrote down 2 weeks ago, and it as slightly evolved. »

Creating a logo for the 30-days startup chalenge – 30DSTART – Day 7

If you arrive on this post by a direct link or from Google, I suggest you to read the last two posts on the 30days startup challenge : here and here. Now, let’s go to the main topic of my article : how to design a logo for the startup. Well, it’s not going to be a nice tutorial like the ones you can find on Smashing Magazine. Here I won’t give you any method, just some tools I used to design my logo. »

30DSTART – Day 4 – Startup Name

For those who don’t know about the 30-days Startup Challenge, please have a look at my explanation here. The post of today will explain in detail how I selected the name of the startup, and what had been achieved in the last 4 days. We are indeed already reaching day-4 and I have the feeling that many things happened. Initial feedback You have been almost 300 people to read the first article (and I got no comment via the blog). »

The 30-days Startup Challenge

I have not been writing on my blog for many months now. This was probably to learn more and more from online readings and share experience with friends. As you may know, I am still working on PhD degree (Italy//Spain) in the field of nanotechnologies. However, I recently decided to try a quick and intensive challenge. Let’s call it the «  30-days startup challenge ». 30-days startup challenge The 30-days startup challenge As you guess from the title, I will dedicate 30 days in the creation of a web startup… Well, I should say 30 evenings since my days are booked in the lab. »

Elevage de Sentimancho

Je participe actuellement à une épreuve d’élevage de sentimancho. J’aimerais vous faire partager ma passion pour cette sous-branche du référencement et vous en dire un peu plus. Qu’est-ce que le sentimancho Le sentimancho est le nom tiré d’une épreuve française de référencement. Le but à atteindre est de se positionner le mieux possible avec son sentimancho dans le classement d’un moteur de recherche français. En rajoutant des textes pertinents sur son site web ou en liant des accords avec des amis, le site concours va monter progressivement et se détachera de ses concurrents. »

How to transfer money from USD ($) to EUR (€) accounts

Since I will soon have to transfer my money from an USD ($) bank account (Wells-Fargo) to France (in EUR €), I had to look around to find the best solution. With the help of one friend, I started discovering some solutions last year ; but none of them were satisfying. I thus looked a little bit more on forums and found two interesting threads. One is unfortunately in French (google translate it if you want) , but hopefully the most interesting one is in English. »

Implementing microdata in Yootheme ZOO

Recently, the three major search engins (Bing/Yahoo and Google) agreed on using the microdata system This allow any website to provide semantic information to the search spiders. For instance, you can specify what kind of content you are publishing, like a recipe of an apple pie, or a movie review. More than that, depending on the type, you can give the various important information directly to the search robot : what is the movie title, what is its director, or how long you should cook your pie. »

YOOtheme Zoo – Integration of Google +1

I wanted to add a google +1 button to my website. As I am using YOOtheme zoo CCK component, I add to create a new “element” to be print at the end of my blog post. You can download it bellow. Of course you can use it on any zoo applications (blogs, businesses, recipes … and custom applications). How to install Download the archive : ZOOelement Googleplus Then, unzip the files in your folder : /base_installation_folder/media/zoo/elements. »

Yootheme Zoo – Modifying the Frontend submission editor

A quick note to let you know how I hacked Yootheme Zoo 2.3. I wanted to have a wysiwyg editor while my users were submitting article in frontend with ZOO. Usually you can activate the “trusted mode” to have this wysiwyg editor. But you will also have several other fields which are too much for normal users. In order to have a wysiwyg editor, even in the non-trusted mode, here is the modification you should implement. »

Author image Jean-Christophe Lavocat on #Joomla, #Zoo,

Yootheme Zoo – Modifying the number of articles on Frontpage

A quick note to let you know how I hacked Yootheme Zoo 2.3. I wanted to have a different numbers of articles on the frontpage, and in the classical category view.As I did not find an easy solution (a parameter should be added to the configuration for the front page), I decided to code it. Here is the line you have to change on line 232 in /joomla_base_dir/components/com_zoo/controllers/default.php [cc lang="php"]// get item pagination $items_per_page = $params->get('config. »

Author image Jean-Christophe Lavocat on #Joomla, #Zoo,

Expat : la TV Française à l’étranger

Suite à mon post sur “Comment regarder Arte ou Roland Garros à l’étranger” (top ten de vos lectures sur mon blog), un évènement récent me pousse à écrire la suite. Informé de cela par Daniel Nicollet, l’auteur de la pétition que je citais à la fin de mon article, je pense qu’il est utile pour ceux d’entre vous qui sont expatriés, de lire son message. Ci-dessous je vous retranscris son email (un peu long, mais au moins vous aurez compris le message ;-D ). »