How to send SMS with Hubspot

Hubspot is getting more and more adopted in the world these days. This really nice marketing machine is now used by companies who are interacting with non tech-friendly customers. And when your customers are not tech-savvy you often want to replace email conversations for something more traditional like phone calls or text messages. Here I’m going to give you a short tutorial to show you how you can use SMS into a Hubspot workflow to get a better engagement. »

30DSTART – Day 4 – Startup Name

For those who don’t know about the 30-days Startup Challenge, please have a look at my explanation here. The post of today will explain in detail how I selected the name of the startup, and what had been achieved in the last 4 days. We are indeed already reaching day-4 and I have the feeling that many things happened. Initial feedback You have been almost 300 people to read the first article (and I got no comment via the blog). »