Calculer la LTV d'une app B2C

Calculer la LTV d’une app est devenu l’une des premières étapes à effectuer quand on aborde les problématiques de croissance (Growth). Si la littérature à ce sujet abonde pour les app SaaS B2B, c’est moins souvent le cas pour les app B2C qui cumulent plusieurs petits détails qui compliquent ce calcul. Nous allons ici tenter de calculer le revenu pour un utilisateur d’une application B2C gratuite, durant sa durée de vie (LTV). »

Google Analytics - Real-time sound notification on new visitors

Have you ever wanted Google Analytics to play a sound when a new visitor hits your site? Look no further, I have a small script for you. While I was debugging a project’s Google Analytics settings recently, I wondered if I could have a warning about when a new visitor visited the website while I was doing something else. I came up with a bookmarklet that gives superpowers to your GA setup. »

How to send SMS with Hubspot

Hubspot is getting more and more adopted in the world these days. This really nice marketing machine is now used by companies who are interacting with non tech-friendly customers. And when your customers are not tech-savvy you often want to replace email conversations for something more traditional like phone calls or text messages. Here I’m going to give you a short tutorial to show you how you can use SMS into a Hubspot workflow to get a better engagement. »